Carg - cert
- cargo handling
- cargo manifest
- cargo plan
- Cargo Ship Safety Certificate
- Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
- Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
- Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
- Caribbean monk seal
- Caribbean red snapper
- carrier
- carrying press of sail, damage to or loss of sails
- case law
- Caspian seal
- cast net
- catadromous fish
- catadromous species
- catamaran trawler
- catch
- catch coefficient
- catch composition
- catch dynamics
- catch efficiency
- catch in number
- catch in weight
- catch per unit effort
- catch per unit of fishing effort
- catch rate
- catch regulation
- catch statistics
- catchability
- catchability coefficient
- catching
- catching trawler
- catching, taking or harvesting
- ceiling-floor-safeguard clause
- centre tank
- cephalopods
- cero
- 1
- 2